I've been writing poetry for several decades now. I also tend to edit (and re-re-edit) them. Here are a few of my better organized thoughts.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sonnet Web

I spin my web, complex and intricate,
Hoping to capture beauty by design
And snare a lucid truth wrapped in a line
For others to admire and contemplate.
But having spun this far, I hesitate
Though life is short and I begrudge the time
To check the meaning hidden in my rhyme.
I am uneasy.  Crouching here, I wait.

What if, instead of moth or butterfly,
Fragile insects, pretty, small and weak,
Some unwanted truth has come my way,
A looming feathered thing that happens by,
Spots my web, swerves with open beak?
Have I been trapped?  Could I become the prey?

                                   jjr  6/19/09

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